Apple Cyser

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Apple Cyser
Take part in the revival and experience the colonial American drink of choice. Learn to transform an incredibly popular fall drink into a flavorful hard cider. There is no need to wait until fall to start. Thanks to modern conveniences just head down to the local grocery store and pick up a gallon of apple juice or cider.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Passive Time 6 months
Prep Time 30 minutes
Passive Time 6 months
  1. Start out by transferring about half of the cider from the jug. Drink it. It will not go back in this batch. You can also put the cider in an empty jug and make a double batch! You're going to wish you did in the long run.
  2. Gather up your apples. You see five apples in the photo. I could only fit 2 apples in a gallon jug with out losing too much room for liquid.
  3. Peel and dice up your apples. Add them to the container.
  4. Add your honey and top off the remaining space with water, but be sure to leave room to add yeast and room for it to bubble and foam.
  5. Shake, Shake, Shake! Shake it all up. Remember to put the cap back on first!
  6. Pitch your yeast and give it another shake.
  7. Put the air lock on and sit back. If you want to be scientific you can use your hydrometer and take a reading. This batch came in at 1.100 SG (specific gravity) which is a potential alcohol content of 22% when it is finished fermenting. I find it hard to believe it will finish at 22%, however this batch should be very dry. I may add more apples in the first racking depending on the first tasting.
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