Buckwheat Cherry Melomel
As with many batches I am making lately, this will be a double batch. Depending on the first tasting I may split the double batch and add more honey and cherries to another 2 gallons, making 4 gallons total.
Servings Prep Time
2gallon 30minutes
Passive Time
Servings Prep Time
2gallon 30minutes
Passive Time
Three Week Update
  1. The airlock is still bubbling very consistantly. The while thing is very dark and still needs clearing. After three weeks I estimate this batch will need another 4 to 6 weeks in the primary fermenting container. I would like to wait until the airlock bubbles once every 30 seconds or more.
  2. We are seeing a healthy layer of sediment on the bottom. That is all the yeast that have done their job of converting the sugars into alcohol, died, and fell to the bottom.